
Property Value
Sample name Cow4
Related group Cow lens
Related experiment Cow lens
Species Cattle (Bos taurus)
Tissue Lens
Diseases N/A
Gender N/A
Origin farm
Sample weight, mg 127.66666666666667
Sampling place Novosibirsk, Russia
Sampling date Feb. 18, 2018
Date of creation Dec 28, 2022
Date of last modification Sep 07, 2023

Additional attributes:

Attribute Value
Time postmortem, min 20

Sample includes following metabolites:

Metabolite Concentration (nmol/g)
1-Methylhistidine 85.91
2-Aminobutyric acid 54.99
2-Hydroxy-3-methylbutyric acid 9.56
2-Hydroxybutyric acid 5.65
2-Hydroxyisobutyric acid 11.47
3-Hydroxybutyric acid 87.95
Acetic acid 346.72
Acetylcarnitine 8.75
ADP 225.54
AMP 160.1
Ascorbic acid 858.96
Aspartic acid 30.7
ATP 830.06
beta-Alanine 873.04
Betaine 732.67
Choline 3.81
Creatine 817.68
Creatinine 44.33
Ergothioneine 369.0
Formic acid 38.92
Fumaric acid 4.39
Glutamic acid 1760.04
Glutamine 280.85
Glycerophosphocholine 298.42
GSH 4584.02
Hypotaurine 2325.07
IMP 27.62
Isoleucine 144.1
Ketoleucine 10.23
Lactic acid 6237.62
Lysine 44.18
Methionine 114.82
myo-Inositol 12332.51
N-acetyltyrosine 176.59
NAD 138.22
NADH 1.19
Phenylalanine 118.37
Pyroglutamic acid 872.28
Sarcosine 3.53
scyllo-Inositol 361.48
Tryptophan 46.12
UDP glucose 231.21
Uracil 24.16
Valine 286.33

Raw files:

File type Size Download
NMR 1.1 MB