Krasnosheynaya Poganka

Property Value
Sample name Krasnosheynaya Poganka
Related group P.auritus lens
Related experiment Predator and waterfowl bird lenses
Species Horned grebe (Podiceps auritus)
Tissue Lens
Diseases N/A
Gender N/A
Origin wild
Sample weight, mg 42.9
Sampling place Novosibirsk region, Russia
Sampling date Sept. 7, 2019
Date of creation May 12, 2023
Date of last modification Sep 08, 2023

Additional attributes:

Attribute Value
Time postmortem, min 120

Sample includes following metabolites:

Metabolite Concentration (nmol/g)
2-Aminobutyric acid 255.89
2-Hydroxy-3-methylbutyric acid 222.19
2-Hydroxybutyric acid 23.72
2-Hydroxyisobutyric acid 6.24
3-Hydroxybutyric acid 273.37
Acetic acid 142.3
ADP 199.72
Alanine 2683.77
AMP 32.45
Arginine 644.11
Ascorbic acid 128.57
Asparagine 148.54
Aspartic acid 52.43
ATP 2402.91
Betaine 86.13
Carnitine 4.99
Choline 97.36
Citrulline 635.37
Creatine 1891.12
Dimethylmalonic acid 14.98
Formic acid 564.22
Fumaric acid 26.21
Glucose 212.21
Glutamic acid 681.55
Glutamine 2666.3
Glycerol 200.97
Glycerophosphocholine 32.45
Glycine 692.79
GSH 3617.48
GTP 190.98
Histidine 108.6
Hypotaurine 148.54
Hypoxanthine 83.63
Inosine 27.46
Isobutyric acid 4.99
Isoleucine 102.36
Lactic acid 6960.33
Leucine 929.96
Lysine 368.24
Malic acid 0.0
Malonic acid 57.42
Methionine 148.54
myo-Inositol 5147.85
N-acetyltyrosine 52.43
NAD 157.28
NADH 924.97
Ornithine 39.94
Phenylalanine 102.36
Phosphocholine 88.63
Phosphocreatine 171.01
Proline 376.98
Pyroglutamic acid 720.25
Pyruvic acid 4.99
Sarcosine 9.99
Serine 2034.67
Succinic acid 33.7
Taurine 4423.86
Threonine 470.6
Tryptophan 83.63
Tyrosine 248.4
Valine 220.94

Raw files:

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NMR 917.7 KB